Plant pre-ordering for the serious gardener. This year, we will accept pre-orders for orders over $50.

Place your order by email or mail, or drop your form off at the Keller Market House in downtown Lancaster. Access a PDF version of the order form below. (You’re welcome to just email a list, too, if that’s easier than the form.)

Choose how to get your plants: Pick up at The Kale Yard or the Keller Market House, or choose to have your plants delivered throughout Fairfield and surrounding counties.

Plant pick-up and delivery is targeted for right around May 15th to coincide with our last frost date. Timing is weather-dependent, and we’ll be in touch with exact details closer to that time.

Pay at the time of pick up or delivery. We’ll provide a Square invoice with your final total at that time, and account for anything that might not be available. Credit/Debit cards, Check or Cash accepted.

Consider this a wish list . We’ll do our best, but everything might not make it, due to germination issues, mishaps or acts of Cat.